Roger Bora is Ranked a Best United States Trademark Attorney
He is also a Former USPTO Trademark Examiner
‘Named a Best United States Trademark Attorney by his peers — World Trademark Review 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023’
I am a former U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) trademark examiner and currently a partner at the law firm Thompson Hine LLP, with offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, New York City and Washington D.C.
I have handled over 8,500 domestic and international trademark applications and registrations during my career. I have also handled and/or managed more than 25 domestic and international copyright and trademark enforcement actions on a rolling basis, including trademark registration opposition and cancellation proceedings and domain name complaints filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) located in Geneva, Switzerland.
My practice includes all aspects of international trademark and copyright laws, including trademark and copyright portfolio management, registration procurement, enforcement actions, domain name acquisition, domain name disputes, Internet laws, advertising, brand creation and licensing.

Before entering private practice, I worked at the USPTO as a USPTO trademark examiner where I ranked as a top performing trademark attorney and received special assignments with the Office of Commissioner for Trademarks and Post Registration Division. During law school I received a full-time internship at the USPTO and a part-time internship at the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, where I served under the direction of now Chief Judge Gerard F. Rogers.
As a former USPTO trademark examiner, I seek to anticipate objections and potential issues that may arise during the trademark registration process, which may result in preemptive value-added advice to our clients. That experience also allows us to propose U.S. and global filing strategies designed to avoid unnecessary objections and delays, thereby reducing overall time and expense for securing trademark registrations.
Before entering the legal profession, I had 10 years of marketing, sales and business management experience, which gives me a unique business perspective when working with clients – including the appreciation for client deadlines and budget control, and building reliable business and advisory relationships.
The best comment a client can give me is that I am “brutally honest.”
My full firm bio page is here.