U.S. Trademark Application Process in a Nut Shell

U.S. Trademark Application Process in a Nut Shell

We have updated our learning page that summarizes the U.S. trademark application process here. Specifically, that page offers a step-by-step summary and links to podcasts for in-depth learning.

U.S. Trademark Application ProcessWith COVID-19 drastically changing the workplace and business landscape in 2020, we have experienced a significant increase in inquiries from start-ups and entrepreneurs about the U.S. trademark registration process and thus an increase in demand for our trademark services.

Based on those many calls, many that included conversations about misconceptions of trademark rights, we have updated the learning page about the U.S. trademark application process.

  • For updated learning page, click here.

Please provide any feedback or questions and please share! (we, and other entrepreneurs, would be grateful!)

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