Intellectual Property Overview with IP and Venture Capital Due Dilligence Considerations

Intellectual Property Overview with IP and Venture Capital

Due Dilligence Considerations

The below video covers intellectual property (“IP”) basics and IP and venture capital due dilligence investment and M&A considerations.


A Few Show Note Highlights – IP and Venture Capital Due Dilligence

IP Basics 

  1. Trademarks: identify the source of products and services
  2. Copyrights: protect the expression of original works of authorship
  3. Utility Patents: protect new, useful, & non-obvious inventions
  4. Trade Secrets: protects valuable secret information

Reasons Why TM Registration is Important Include:

  1. Presumptions of ownership and validity
  2. “Preserves” your right to expand nationally
  3. As well as other valuable benefit

Trademark Due Dilligence Considerations Include:

  1. Core marks and goods/services registered globally?
  2. TM licenses & quality control?
  3. Trademark licenses recorded?
  4. Liens?
  5. Chain of title clean?

U.S. Patents Grant:

  1. The Right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale or importing the invention.
  2. Not the right to practice the invention.


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